Chrysalis Art Work Statement

Chrysalis Art Work Statement

Chrysalis is truly a mixed media piece that took on a life of its own during the creative process.  It was a day of experimentation with mark making, texture buildup with gel medium and a variety of tools and found objects to create interesting patterns.

I love working on cradle-board as a substrate as it can be scrubbed, scraped, layered and processed endlessly.  Knowing this often allows for a “no fear” attitude and for an artist this is a rare and liberating feeling.  After the final washes of paint I stood back somewhat pleased however knew the magic element was missing, but what was it?

I had been experimenting with creating gel skins and only then remembered that I had saved my favourite in a sketchbook. The minute I laid the gelskin onto the finished surface of the cradle-board I felt as if I had emerged from a transitional state.  I could envision the outer case enclosing a chrysalis splitting and the slow unfolding of the wings. I knew then that, without a doubt, this piece was complete.

Origin of chrysalis: early 17th century from Latin; chrysal (l)is, chrysal(id), from Greek khrusallis from khousog “ gold”, because of the gold colour or metallic sheen of some pupae.

The original artwork is featured below and is the piece that inspired our 'Chrysalis Society' wearable art collection.

Original Artwork - Chrysalis by Wendy Fee

To hear more please checkout my latest video below and thanks again for wearing our art!

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