Over the last eight weeks Reni and I have struggled, like everyone else, with the effects of isolation and social distancing, employing the strategies of laughter, of sharing and listening, and yes, champagne and martinis in our efforts to make sense of it all.

With the launch of our new limited edition t-shirts, we both felt that my SANCTUARY art was the perfect choice for our latest collection.

Sanctuary by Wendy Fee 

By definition a sanctuary is a physical location, providing a place of refuge and safety.  In truth, however, a sanctuary may also be a composite of feelings and locations real or imagined, “healing places” where each individual soul will find the serenity or escape that they seek.

Created on the boat before our world was put on pause, SANCTUARY seems a fitting reminder that we still have control and the power to travel anywhere we choose in our minds, and I know that mine resonates with the beautiful turquoise waters of The Bahamas. 

Wendy Fee - Original Artwork

Highlights from my vernissage 'Sanctuary: This Must Be The Place' below ~ Enjoy!

Wendy xoxo


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